Below are case studies from clients we have worked with.
Case study 1
The client accessed our advice and support in challenging a decision made by Personal Independence payment. The client was encouraged by their Counsellor and Support Worker to request a review as they believed they should be in receipt of the Enhanced rate for Care as the client had only been awarded Standard rate.
The client requested a review of this decision to PIP, however the decision came back they were no longer entitled to PIP.
Our dedicated Frontline Advisor assisted the client together with the help and support of the client’s counsellor to request a Mandatory reconsideration of the decision. However, the decision stayed the same.
Our dedicated frontline advisor discussed the case further with the client and their health care professionals. We all felt the client could be entitled to the enhanced rate for care and at least standard for mobility.
Client returned for further assistance and an appeal was submitted online. Client was then notified PIP had changed its original decision and they were awarded 11 points for Care and 10 for Mobility. Which resulted in Standard rate for both care and mobility (£83.30 per week). Upon receipt of the decision, further discussions were made with the client and it resulted in us appealing the decision.
Our Frontline Advisor drafted a submission with client and forwarded this to the Tribunal to assist as client struggles to communicate and it would have been unlikely that they would have been able to fully set out the difficulties they have to the Tribunal. The Tribunal Judge commented to client ‘I completely agree with the Advisor” and awarded enhanced rate care and standard mobility.
The client was minded to stop the process when they were awarded standard rate care and standard rate mobility but with encouragement continued and this has resulted in them being assessed correctly and financially gaining a further £29.45 per week on top of the rates already awarded.
Case study 2
Client was referred for help and support by a local Agency. The client required help with completing a Capability for Work questionnaire and to challenge a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) decision.
We made a number of visits to the Client’s premises to provide the help and support to complete the Capability for Work questionnaire and to challenge the PIP decision made by the DWP, they were not entitled to the benefit. The decision to challenge the PIP decision is known as Mandatory Reconsideration request (MRR)
The Frontline Advisor contacted the client’s GP to seek evidence in support of the MRR
The Frontline Advisor provided the client with details as to local support groups within the Community to help and support with the client’s physical disabilities. The client’s GP also assisted by providing the appropriate aids to help the client around the property.
Unfortunately, the client was admitted to Hospital and during their time within the Hospital; the client felt dissatisfied as to the way in which they were treated. The client requested help and support from the Frontline Advisor to make a complaint. The Frontline Advisor provided the client with details of the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs). The client had prepared a complaint and asked for the Frontline Advisor to review their complaint to which they duly did.
The client made the Frontline Advisor aware, they still had not heard from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in respect of their MRR. The Frontline Advisor made a telephone call to the DWP and they were informed the MRR was not logged on their system thus the Frontline Advisor duly logged a further MRR on behalf of the client.
The client made further contact with the Frontline Advisor to notify the hospital complaint is required to be sent to Care UK. The client asked for help as to where the complaint needed to go, thus the Frontline Advisor talked the client through this and asked if they wish to progress with the complaint to which they confirmed and the next steps.
After a while, the Frontline Advisor made further contact with the DWP to obtain an update as to the client’s claim for PIP. They were notified the client has been awarded PIP and a payment would be made to the client’s bank account.
The Frontline Advisor also provided help and support in finding the client alternative accommodation and the client secured sheltered accommodation through the Local Authority.