Escape Site

Community circle of support

The YOU Trust works in Partnership with EC Roberts Centre and HOPE Church to support people who are in crisis within the Community. The project is funded by the Community Fund.

The YOU Trust works in Partnership with EC Roberts Centre and HOPE Church to support people who are in crisis within the Community. The project is funded by the Community Fund.

The Project promotes independence, resilience and recovery from the impacts of COVID through developing Community Circles of Support. We have three Community Circles of Support Partners who help people through outreach, Food Banks, Community Larders/Pantries and Community Meals across Portsmouth. Our Partners provide a warm approach and talk with people as one human being to another. We can provide help and support in emergency food aid, benefit delays/sanctions, debt/low pay trap/no savings, unemployment, relationship breakdowns, domestic abuse, homelessness, illness/disability, food/fuel poverty, digital exclusion and literacy/numeracy skills. The Community Circles of Support Partners will undertake a holistic assessment identifying skills, potential, root causes of crisis, actions the clients want to take and identify strategies to help themselves for future situations.

The aim of the Project is to help people in hardship, including those with complex needs such as mental ill-health, domestic abuse and social isolation. They will benefit from improvements to their health, wellbeing, skills and independence and to understand how to take personal control of their situation.

Contact Information

The YOU Trust

Phone: 01329 825 930

EC Roberts Centre

Phone: 023 9229 6919

King’s Church – HOPE

Phone: 02392 987977

What people say

"Many thanks for all your kind help in giving me a new start in life debt free"

"I didn’t realise I still had so many addictive behaviours."

"Group therapy is such a powerful thing. I have learnt so much about myself by attending groups that I sometimes think I would never be able to learn so much from my individual sessions."

"Our session on anger was useful as it allowed me to be more reflective"

"I recognised unhealthy coping strategies and have been able to be more aware of the seeds I water"

"What you bury will grow up again, What you dig up is gone"

"I believe in myself – I am being myself"

"I am growing into my own skin; I belong to myself- I've never felt that before, becoming me"

What is different now ? …. I have changed"

"A brilliant Service, I had to wait no time at all to see a counsellor and feel so much better for it"

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